Short Courses at Elohim BTC

Short Courses at Elohim BTC

Short Courses at Elohim BTC include..

Computer Courses

1.Introduction to Computers
2.Windows 7/ 8/ 10
3.Typing and Keyboarding
4.Microsoft Excel
5.Microsoft Access
6.Microsoft Power Point
7.Internet and Email
8.Microsoft Word


Italian2hr Per session3 Months11,000/-
German2hr Per session3 Months11,000/-
French2hr Per Session3 Months11,000/-
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Short Courses at Elohim BTC
Short Courses at Elohim BTC

ELOHIM BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE was founded on October 2020 right in Malindi CBD with the objective of supplementing the Government’s effort of providing post – secondary education. This has been through the provision of selected courses for the Youth who miss out places in public or private universities. We are located at TSS Building 1st floor along the Star Hospital Road.

We offer Courses in Artisan, Certificate and Diploma. Our programs are examined by internationally and nationally recognized bodies like: ICM (uk)

We have highly experienced and skilled lecturers and instructors, students have Free access to learning resources and a conductive learning environment.

ELOHIM BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE was founded on October 2020 right in Malindi CBD with the objective of supplementing the Government’s effort of providing post – secondary education. This has been through the provision of selected courses for the Youth who miss out places in public or private universities. We are located at TSS Building 1st floor along the Star Hospital Road.

We offer Courses in Artisan, Certificate and Diploma. Our programs are examined by internationally and nationally recognized bodies like: ICM (uk)

We have highly experienced and skilled lecturers and instructors, students have Free access to learning resources and a conductive learning environment.